Free Windows 10 upgrade – We did it!

So we did it. We waited one whole day after its launch to upgrade the computer in our conference room to Windows 10. Being at a technology company, it is in our nature to push the limits, roll the dice. It’s kind of geeky and fun to be the first people to see what new technology has to offer during the first 24 hours after release. We also need to test our software to make sure everything is still working. I thought we should share our experience as many people will probably have more of a wait and see attitude before pulling the trigger; Microsoft did after all give us all 1 year to get the upgrade installed for free.

So far so good. All of our basic MS products are running fine. We do a lot of business over gotomeeting so we did a gotomeeting test run and that was flawless. We tested our desktop software, GeoJot+ Core and everything is running smoothly. We are about to check out ArcGIS. If we have any problems, I will post an update.

We are already seeing some basic user interface benefits. At its most basic level, it is just easier to use. They got rid of the silly charms on the right side of the screen. Windows 10 seems to be a much better combination of their mobile and desktop platform than Windows 8. It seems that they did a good job of listening to users and bringing necessary items back to the forefront where they are readily accessible.

The operating system is supposed to handle resources better like memory and the operating system is supposed to run better. The jury is out on that, we haven’t used it enough to come to any conclusions in that regard. But we do like Cortana who is neither a man nor woman but instead “a cloud of infinitesimal data computation”, just ask it.  Click here for more information on the upgrade.